12 April 2021
We are delighted to be back up and running and offering full consultations from our showroom. Appointments can be booked from our booking system.
05 April 2021
Following the Prime Minister's announcement, we can confirm that we can reopen our showroom on 12th April.
Appointments for framing consultations can be booked NOW on our booking system.
Face covering, hand sanitising and social distancing requirements will still be in place, and we will continue to offer handovers in the car park for those who know exactly what framing they require and do not require or desire a consultation indoors.
04 January 2021
Despite lockdown being enforced again as of this evening, our services remain the same as when we were in Tier 4.
We are unable to hold any full consultations in our showroom but we are happy to meet you in the back car park of the Mayford Centre to receive items from you for framing, only if you know how you'd like them framed and only if you consider the journey to do so essential.
To book a handover, please use our booking system.
31 December 2020
As it is apparent that we will remain in Tier 3 or Tier 4 of the COVID restrictions, we are unable to hold any full consultations in our showroom.
However, we are happy to meet you in the back car park of the Mayford Centre to receive items from you for framing, only if you know how you'd like them framed and only if you consider the journey to do so essential.
To book a handover, please use our booking system.
24 December 2020
We are now closed for our Christmas break and we return on Monday 4th January. Framing consultations can still be booked for the New Year, but if Tier 4 or Tier 3 restrictions remain in place, we will only be able to accept handovers in the car park, not in the showroom. These details will be updated following the next government announcement.
20 December 2020
Following the imposing of Tier 4 restrictions to Surrey, we are only available for the collection of orders and this must take place outdoors. As such, anyone booking a collection slot should come to the Mayford Centre BACK car park at the booked time and your order will be brought out to you. Please do not come into the building.
02 December 2020
We have reopened our showroom and are operating normally, albeit with existing safety and distancing procedures in place.
If you have an item for framing for Christmas, we would strongly suggest booking an appointment using our booking system for as soon as possible.
30 November 2020
With lockdown restrictions ending in two days time, we have suspended all appointments for the next two days to be fully prepared for our final push up to Christmas. Appointments for both consultations and collections can be booked on our booking system for 02 December onwards.
If you have an item for framing for Christmas, we would strongly suggest booking an appointment as soon as possible.
01 November 2020
With the announcement of the latest lockdown conditions, our showroom will be closed from Thursday 5th November until Thursday 2nd December. However....
Placing Orders
We will still be able to receive items for framing with a 1-to-1 handover in the Mayford Centre back car park by appointment, only if you know exactly how you'd like your item frame and you consider the journey to do so essential. Book here.
Collecting Orders
You will still be able to collect completed orders with a 1-to-1 handover in the Mayford Centre back car park by appointment, only if you consider the journey to do so essential. Book here.
24 August 2020
Our showroom remains fully operational but in light of recent government guidelines we are now asking for face coverings to be worn at all times when inside the Mayford Centre building. We have also provided Track&Trace QR codes at the entrance to our workshop and showroom.
15 June 2020
Our showroom has reopened and we are taking bookings for framing and printing on our website booking system. However, to maintain the safety of our customers and staff, we request that visitors read the temporary conditions in place covering visits to us.
05 June 2020
We continue to prepare for re-opening our showroom on 15th June and appointments are already flooding in through our booking system. As such, we have now removed the 'drop-off' and 'pick-up' options although this can still be arranged if urgent by contacting us.
27 May 2020
The Government has advised that we can re-open our showroom on June 15th and as such we are experimenting with ways in which we can maintain social distancing when we do. In the meantime, we continue to receive orders for framing without consultation as detailed in the 13 May update below.
13 May 2020
Following the latest update to lockdown restrictions, it is now possible to meet on a one to one basis with members of another household in an outdoor space whilst maintaining social distancing. A such, our showroom remains closed for full consultations but we are meeting customers for the exchange of items for framing or for the collection of completed orders in the Mayford Centre BACK car park.
If you have something for framing and know how you would like it framed, please book a DROP-OFF appointment from our website booking system. If you have something for framing but need advice and to look at options, please subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when our showroom will reopen.
If you have an outstanding order that you would like to collect from us, please book a PICK-UP appointment from our website booking system. When you arrive at the Mayford Centre BACK car park we will bring your order out for you. Please respect social distancing whilst doing so.
05 May 2020
We continue to receive an increasing number of enquiries and are doing what we can to accommodate requests. Our workshop is operational and we are receiving framing and printing orders from people who know what they want. Whilst we are not promoting non-essential travel, if you feel you can justify the journey to us, we are happy to meet you in the car park (whilst maintaining all necessary social distancing) at a pre-arranged time to take your items for framing from you. Please contact us for more details. Our showroom remains closed as per government guidelines, so if you don't know what you want and need a framing consultation, we ask that you subscribe to our mailing list to be the first to hear when our showroom will be reopened.
20 April 2020
The first three weeks of lockdown have flown by for us as we have continued to maintain an operational workshop, and as a result have worked through our backlog of orders. Our showroom remains closed so it is not possible to hold consultations for new orders. However, we have been taking new orders following email exchanges to determine frame specifications, and then receiving artwork by post, or in some cases, with customers handing over artwork to us at a pre-arranged time in the car-park (whilst maintaining all necessary distancing of course!).
With the extension of the lockdown now in place, we are receiving an increasing number of enquiries as to when we will be able to see customers again. As soon as the government guidelines allow us to do so, we will open up our booking system for consultations. If you wish to stay informed of when this happens, please subscribe to our mailing list.
In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and look forward to seeing you all when the lockdown restrictions are lifted.
24 March 2020
There are two elements to the Otters Pool Studio business - retail and manufacture.
The retail element involves meeting my customers to discuss their framing and printing requirements, and handing back their completed orders. This is considered a non-essential service and so in light of the Prime Ministers announcement last night, I have suspended all showroom based consultations for the foreseeable future.
However, no restrictions have been placed on the manufacturing side of the business, and as I can work alone locked in my workshop, I will continue to operate from it until this changes. As such, I would welcome a continuation of custom in any way possible and there are still ways that this can take place:
- you can post your artwork to me - please contact me first to schedule.
- You can email digital artwork to me for printing then framing (up to A2)
- I can reprint any images already digitised
- I can print digital artwork (up to A2) that is emailed to me
Websites (which I can do from home)
- Existing website customers can request updates or overhauls
- If you need a website for any reason, new website customer are very welcome at this time!
Please note that I cannot guarantee when framing or printing orders will be completed or when they can be collected, as this will be dictated by the Government restrictions applied during the lockdown period.
I thank you all for your continued support and custom at this difficult time.
20 March 2020
We currently remain operational here at Otters Pool Studio despite the ongoing coronavirus situation. Most of our work is carried out in isolation in our workshop so we are continuing to make frames as normal to fulfil existing orders.
However, we still need new orders to maintain our business, and so are offering a range of additional temporary measures to help support our customers who are self-isolating. We request respectfully that you do not engage in our services if you are experiencing definite, suspected or potential virus symptoms, and we will promise to do the same.
If you have had framing from us before and have something else that you would like to have framed in exactly the same way or very similar, we are happy to collect artwork from you, as long as you are not too far away. For both our safety and yours, we will request a handover at the doorstep and will not enter your property.
If you have a good idea on how you would like something framed, we are again happy to collect your artwork and then discuss options with an exchange of photos and ideas by email.
If you need to see and go through all options, this is practically done with a full consultation, and you can still book appointments from our website for these to take place here at our Mayford Centre showroom. As we work by appointment only, we will only ever have one customer in at a time, and we would ask that you keep the number of people in your party to an absolute minimum when calling.
In all cases, we will keep our distance as much as practically possible, we will refuse handshakes, and practice handwashing and anti-bacterial spray application in accordance with Government guidelines.
As always, appointments can be booked from our website or we can be contacted directly for everything else.
Thank you to everyone who has already or plans to support us and all small independent businesses at this challenging time.